Institutes of the
Christian Religion
John Calvin
A New Translation, by Henry Beveridge, Esq
Edinburgh: Printed for The Calvin Translation
Society, 1845
Table of Contents
Book One:
Of the Knowledge of God the Creator
Book Two:
Of the knowledge of God the Redeemer, in Christ, as first manifested
to the fathers, under the law, and thereafter to us under the gospel.
Book Three:
The mode of obtaining the grace of Christ. The benefits it confers,
and the effects resulting from it.
Book Four:
Of the external means or helps by which God allures us into fellowship
with Christ, and keeps us in it.
The Printers to the
Readers. |
The Original
Translator's Preface: Prefixed to the
fourth edition, 1581.
Prefatory Address:
To Francis, King of the French.
The Epistle to the
Reader: Prefixed to the second
edition, 1539.
Subject of the Present
Work: Prefixed to the French Edition,
Epistle to the Reader:
Prefixed to the last Edition, revised by the Author.1559.
Method and Arrangement,
or Subject of the Whole Work.
Index of Scripture
Citations in the Institutes
Index of Authors Cited
in the Institutes
One Hundred Aphormisms
- 100 Point Summary of the Institutes (By Rev William Pringle)
General Index
About this text
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